Feature Extraction


What is Feature Extraction service?

The Feature Extraction service uses state-of-the-art image segmentation and classification techniques. Features that can be extracted from imagery include facilities (e.g., building foot prints), transportation features, land use/land cover, vegetation types (agriculture, forest types), disturbed features due to exploration activities, water bodies, oil spills in water, soil types, and more. Additional services include the extraction of contours, hillshades, and slope/aspect from DTM data.  The product of this service, a map, shows the spatial distribution of each object of interest, the total area each object occupies and the exact location of each object within the area of interest defined by the customer. All maps and associated statistics are provided in formats ready for ingest in the customer’s decision support system.


How is the information used?

Because imagery used in this process are ortho-rectified, GeoSpatial Partners tailor the feature map such that it fits within the customer’s decision system to support production management, analysis of disturbances due to exploration activities and logistic planning.


Product Value

The energy industry is seeking accurate and timely information about worldwide assets including buildings and disturbed land features resulting from exploration.  This spatial data collection, currently based on field survey, is time consuming and costly.  We use high and medium resolutions optical and radar satellite imagery with their spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics together with proprietary algorithms to produce robust and timely land feature maps and associated statistics.